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New Sixt Rent-a-Car Ad Campaign Uses Surprising, Hilarious Twist to Bring Romance to the Road with #ValentinesFairytale


New Sixt Rent-a-Car Ad Campaign Uses Surprising, Hilarious Twist to Bring Romance to the Road with #ValentinesFairytale


In Europe and around the globe, Sixt is beloved for its fresh, unconventional advertising style, the world-class affordable luxury car rental company brings this same approach to United States with its new Valentine’s Day campaign, where its has rapidly grown to become the nation’s 5th largest car rental provider in just seven years


(Ft. Lauderdale, FL—February 8, 2018) Sixt Rent-a-Car, the world’s premiere affordable luxury car rental service with more than 2,000 locations in over 100 countries, is renowned around the world for its one-of-a-kind “Sixt Experience”, meeting the unique needs of each customer with world-class service. Operating in the United States since 2011, the company has grown rapidly to become the nation’s 5th largest car rental provider in just seven years.


Beloved around the globe for its fresh and unconventional advertising style, Sixt is bringing this approach to the US with the debut of its Valentine’s Day campaign #ValentinesFairytale today.


“Sixt’s hilarious ad campaigns are the stuff of legend in Europe and around the globe. As with Super Bowl ads here in the U.S., consumers overseas famously look forward to the next splash we’re going to make to capture their attention. Fueled by our rapid expansion here, we felt that Valentine’s Day 2018 was the right time to introduce Americans to this approach. They’re going to love it,” said Daniel Florence, COO of Sixt USA. “Leveraging this and future campaigns, we’re executing a highly-tested, successful strategy that has made Sixt a beloved household name in more than 100 countries.”


This Valentine’s Day, Sixt is offering up to 25% off rental prices so romance can take to the road, not just in the U.S. but around the globe. Consumers travelling to visit loved ones will be able to do at rates below Sixt’s already-competitive pricing. From compact cars to trucks, the Sixt fleet offers the right vehicle to transport any gift, whether it’s flowers or chocolates. Sixt’s sale offers customers in over 100 countries the chance to spend Valentine’s Day together or to plan a romantic getaway with up to 25 percent off rental prices for bookings on February 14th.


Lovers can find detailed information at

The campaign centers around a lavishly-produced TV spot, depicting an elderly woman in a rental car embarking on a once-in-a-lifetime road trip to places where she created memories with a long-lost love as she searches to connect. Featuring a surprising twist at the end, the ad ends with the line, “Okay, we can’t do emotional. But we can do affordable.” It is being distributed globally on digital channels, social media, in newsletters, and in advertising at airports and other locations. Sixt developed the idea and concept with the agency thjnk in Munich, with production from Tempomedia.


The 5th largest car rental company in the US, Sixt serves more than 50 rental locations in California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Washington, Texas, Connecticut, New Jersey, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, and Massachusetts.




About Sixt:
Sixt SE has its registered headquarters in Pullach near Munich and is a leading international provider of high-quality mobility services for business and corporate customers as well as private travelers. With representations in over 100 countries worldwide Sixt is continually expanding its presence. The Company’s strengths lie in the high proportion of premium cars in the vehicle fleet, its employees’ consistent service orientation and a good price-performance ratio. Taken together these strengths have given Company an excellent market position. Sixt was founded in 1912 and maintains alliances with renowned brands in the hotel industry, well-known airlines and numerous prominent service providers in the tourism sector. The Sixt Group generates revenues of EUR 2.4 billion (2016).